CEO Southern Europe
Maud Bailly began her studies in modern literature at the Ecole Normale Supérieure, before continuing with a Master’s degree in Public Administration at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris. Graduated from the Ecole Nationale d’Administration, she began her career in 2007 at the Inspection Générale des Finances, where she carried out several strategic and financial audit assignments in France and abroad, notably for the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
In 2011, she joins the SNCF where she received training in rail traffic safety certification before being appointed Director of Paris Montparnasse station and Deputy Director of TGV product coordination for the Paris Rive Gauche area. In 2014, she becomes Director of Trains. In this capacity, she is responsible for coordinating the network and transforming the professions of the SNCF’s 10,000 ticket collectors and 3,000 station agents.
In May 2015, she joins French Prime Minister Manuel Vall’s office as Head of the economic & digital department responsible for economic, budget, fiscal, industrial and digital affairs. She works on various issues such as withholding tax, Brexit and the Digital Republic Act on data protection and accessibility.
She leaves in December 2016, returning to the Inspection Générale des Finances to lead an assignment on the issues of the connected vehicle.
In April 2017, Maud Bailly joins Accor as Chief Digital Officer, member of the Executive Committee, in charge of Digital, Data, Information Systems, Distribution, Sales and Customer Experience (loyalty program, CRM, customer service, digital marketing).
On May 2018, Maud joins the French Digital Council, (CNNum), a 30 people circle nominated by the French Minister of Digital to work on the challenges of the digital transition in France and its economic and societal impacts. She contributes to the report ” Travailler à l’ère des plateformes ; mise à jour requise” (Working in the age of platforms; update required).
In October 2020, Maud Bailly becomes Chief Executive Officer for Southern Europe, with the mission to operate and develop the Group’s business in France, Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Malta and Israel. As a member of the Executive Committee, she is responsible for the operational performance and the quality of customer and partner relations in this strategic region.
Additionally, Maud is very committed to coaching and teaching, she gives regular trainings on performance, digital transformation stakes and organizations.
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